Things to consider for your video project:
Strategic objective(s). Examples include: boosting sales generally or for a specific product/service, brand awareness/loyalty/, gain followers.
Target Audience. Who are your customers/partners? Which new markets would you like to tap into? What are the key traits of your target audience?
Primary message(s) to convey. Examples include: generate awareness of specific problems/solutions, tell a story that defines your company/organization, unique selling points, emphasizing common values & identity.
Approximate length. Do you have a specific requirement that must be met? Will short and snappy work better for your audience, or longer and immersive?
Style and Theme. Examples include: live-action, hyperrealism/photorealistism, 3D animation (like Pixar), action cartoon style (like Marvel), 3D video game style, anime, etc. Other examples include bright & cheery, dark & somber, surrealistic, mystical, medieval, futuristic, space adventure, etc. The possibilities are literally endless!
Characters. Do you have specific characters in mind? Characters that your target audience will identify with? Would you like to portray the likeness of a real-life person (such as business owner)?
Script. Think in terms of a general direction. It is good to have an idea of how the video will unfold, but it is also good to be flexible.
Dialogue and Voices. Are you looking for authoritative or whimsical? Stoic or bubbly? Would you like to use the voice of someone in your organization?
Music Preferences. Examples include: inspirational, joyful, emotional, suspense, dramatic, heroic, etc.
Mood and Tone. Examples include: humorous, emotional, inspirational, joyful, romantic, nostalgic, quirky, playful, dramatic, dark, professional, educational, authoritative, adventurous, mysterious, heroic, calm, epic, surreal, fantasy, urgent, empowering, hopeful, etc.
Logo. How would you like to feature your logo and company/organization name? Would you like to animate your logo?
Campaign. Will this just be a one-off, or would you like to create a campaign of multiple videos?
Call to Action. Every video should have a call to action of some sort. Think about what will resonate with your target audience while also serving your strategic objective(s).
Formats/Platforms. Each platform has its own format it favors, whether it be vertical or landscape or square. We can create videos that can be converted to each, but if a particular aspect ratio or platform is most important, it would be best to create the video in a way that looks best in that particular aspect ratio.
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